Friday, December 5, 2008

Feelin Better!

K.. So i am finally at 16 weeks and pregnancy wise feeling sooo much better. My family and I have been sick since before Thanksgiving with whatever is going around. It is still lingering on me, but at least I took a shower and did my hair today. Anyway, these are just too cute not to post. A little late, but better late than never eh? So here is the last couple of months. Enjoy!


Chiara said...

And I have NO idea how to do YOU are going to have to pass on some tips and pointers to ME!! :)- Those are some darling girls you have!!

You are sweet to say I looked good at the Twilight movie...when I look back at pictures I look like a chunky monkey!! ;)- The fun we go through to get these angels here on earth! We should get together and play...what is your schedule like?